40 days
Researching artistic research and working methods. Creating workspaces and transforming individual work into public installations. Researching the role of the author/creator in relation to the audience.

Masterclass with Tim Etchells
Mentor walks with Merel de Groot

Thinking about thinking
thinking out loud
Allowing yourself to think out loud
Thinking loudly
Glossary on time

Interview with Benjamin Verdonck
Letters on time
Piece of my mind/time
I want to lay out my perception of time to you. In the first place I am sending not to someone inside the theatrical art world because my interest lies in the life-perception of time. And in the second place I am sending it to you because you are the closest person to time that I know. I admire your relationship towards time.
Our (as in generally speaking) concept towards time lies mostly in our relationship towards it. We take time and we give it. We wish we had more. We make it into this living creature that is leading us by the hand. It creeps, flies and stands still. We treasure time and it is cruel to us, we keep it and we kill it. As long as we do not try to analyse it we now what it is. All this puts expectation in this concept. We are lived by time because we are temporal but it is ours. Our time is our own. Though we love nothing more than to share it. The importance of an object/event/person is almost measured in the time we give to it. And since sharing is almost made to easy by media it is maybe even denying us the pleasure of giving someone or something our time. And maybe this is where art finds its way in.
If you see art, you see time. A time based visual language that without it existing in a certain moment of sharing, does not exist. The time that it takes to make a piece, the time that it refers to, the times in which it is shown, the time afterwards and the times it comes back in your memory. The investment in the event and the reactional time platform it creates. On a side note: this is maybe why I don’t believe in the contemporary. To a critical eye everything is placed in the importance of its time. And perhaps it is the duration of the event that matters most. The visual timeframe of the event shown and the time that it takes to exist in your thoughts.
As I am writing you this email Anna (my sister), I am wearing your scarf. The one you wanted to through away but not before you showed it to me. You thought I did not want to have it but still you kept it to show to me. For me this scarf is the embodiment of time. It refers to a time in which you bought it. I can see the situation before my eyes. For me it is this symbol of recognition of all the times you wore it. The wear on the object reminds me of how long you wore it, I remember the scarf in that way as part of you. I can see you playing with Noud in it, putting it on again and again, walking our dog that now no longer lives. It reminds me of time spend together but also as it being a part of your life that I was not part of. The embodiment of time. For me it is a personal object. It not only refers to all this time past but also the time in which I am going to wear it, now and maybe tomorrow and after a long time I will find it forgotten somewhere in the closet just to remind me again. But to the outside eye this is just a scarf. If you might pay attention you would see that it is old, that I treat it with care, only wear it sometimes, that is had a life. But all the qualities of this scarf are exactly the tools that art can play with. The physicality of time. A shared object that grows with the importance you agree it has. And that is how I see time scenographically. Giving a shared platform in time for the creation of an event that can last far longer than it physically does and communicates through this shared recognition of importance. Creating a time symbol in the now and for the time to come.
No peace of my mind/time
My mind on our piece of time is a confused one. It seems to me that there are too many definitions for an unexplainable concept. Too many words and questions for answers that maybe not lie in the cognitive. I explained in my last letter to time my relationship towards it. And also what it can mean in art. That importance is measured in time that is shared. And that art in a way can use this being a piece of time. It can show, manipulate, take and give time. But how exactly do you measure time in art? How long does it take to make, show and grow on in other minds?
The truth in time for me lies in the sharing of it. Time does not exist if it is not shared. But when and how does “now” meet “us”? And what is the duration that this needs? And if we stop being physically present in the same now, can the us still exist? Maybe my question is about the time it takes for a piece of work to exist in this shared time.
I work in the city so I will try and find my answers there. I will be using all the time based theories we have been reading about. The abundant and perhaps redundant amount of definitions about time and will compare this to physical work in the city. Through my own experience and the work of other artist that work in the city I will disseminate a work on shared time in individual time.
Maybe the time or how I talk about it consist within several timeframes. If shared time stands within individual time. Then individual time stands within the times we live in. I am not yet sure if this idea needs more words or just one really good picture. I will try to make a body of work that consists and visualize these timeframes in response to working in the city. Or maybe just a statement on how time that is shared resonates to the importance we give it. Maybe then I will find a peace of mind in our time and the language we give it.